Sunday, 18 September 2011

Word of the Day

Saturday, September 17, 2011

1. a strong rush or sweep; sudden increase a surge of anger
2. (Earth Sciences / Physical Geography) the rolling swell of the sea, esp after the passage of a large wave
3. a heavy rolling motion or sound the surge of the trumpets
4. an undulating rolling surface, as of hills
5. a billowing cloud or volume
6. (Transport / Nautical Terms) Nautical a temporary release or slackening of a rope or cable
7. (Electronics) a large momentary increase in the voltage or current in an electric circuit
8. (Engineering / Mechanical Engineering) an upward instability or unevenness in the power output of an engine
9. (Astronomy) Astronomy a short-lived disturbance, occurring during the eruption of a solar flare

1. (Earth Sciences / Physical Geography) (intr) (of waves, the sea, etc.) to rise or roll with a heavy swelling motion
2. (intr) to move like a heavy sea
3. (Transport / Nautical Terms) Nautical to slacken or temporarily release (a rope or cable) from a capstan or (of a rope, etc.) to be slackened or released and slip back
4. (Electronics) (intr) (of an electric current or voltage) to undergo a large momentary increase
5. (tr) Rare to cause to move in or as if in a wave or waves
[from Latin surgere to rise, from sub- up + regere to lead]