Sunday, 25 November 2007


Worked for 2 hours on clearing the room this morning. Lots for burning/recycling. Made a large expressive drawing sitting up on the bunk bed before I begin collapsing it to make way for my own new bed. Feeling good - like I can actually do this for myself. Gesture 1..And then just maybe I will begin making again..
I am going to give lots of my clothes collection away. That is Gesture 2.. to find the people that should be wearing them instead of me hoarding them in a useless box, not letting them see the light of day and be seen in their full glory as beautiful garments.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Changing rooms

I am about to embark on swapping my bedroom for my storage room, in order to have a studio. Very scary but needed. I am also going to attempt to begin blogging properly this week. Promise..